Aspect’s services are specifically designed to meet their clients’ needs, to allow engagement at a level appropriate to the scale of the project. Trees can greatly enhance the value of a development when they are effectively incorporated into a scheme. The company’s aim is to ensure that a harmonious and sustainable level of development is reached, either by integrating and retaining key site features, or by helping to successfully mitigate or compensate any significant losses.
The team of consultants fully understands the complex nature of development and due to their extensive experience, are frequently retained throughout the strategic decision-making and design processes, as part of a multi-disciplinary design team. They have a high level of technical expertise covering all elements of the planning and development process.
Services include the provision of advice, reports and plans in accordance with BS5837:2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – Recommendations, specifically:
Pre-purchase Advice & Feasibility Studies
Tree Removal & Retention Plans
Layout & Design Guidance
Tree Surveys & Tree Constraints Plans
Arboricultural Impact Assessments
Tree Protection Plans
Arboricultural Method Statements
Mitigation and Compensation Strategies
Planting Advice – Plans and Specifications
The consultancy team works closely with professionals from other disciplines to provide baseline studies and informed impact assessments. By gathering data at an early stage in the strategic planning process, the significance of any negative impacts is promptly identified, enabling mitigation measures to be designed and implemented.
Trees, hedges, buildings and topography can all have negative or positive effects on the levels of sunlight/skylight, both outside and within buildings. Local Planning Authorities are now actively encouraged by the NPPF to demand demonstration of compliance with all relevant parts of; BRE209; BS5837; BS8206-2; and ODPM High Hedges. Aspect offers various levels of survey, calculation, and report – to suit every type of project and problem (from single dwellings to masterplan layouts). These will demonstrate the issues, provide arboricultural justification, and inform building design solutions.
If you have any questions or queries on our services, please call us on 01364 644822 or use the form below to contact us.
Aspect Tree Consultancy Ltd
Unit F
KACH Business Park
Pottery Road
Bovey Tracey
TQ13 9TZ
Company Registration: 06645694